Saturday, 5 October 2013


In my first Creative Media lecture we were told what we were to do this year...
"Create anything"
Why is it when you have all the options in the world, your mind goes completely blank?! After some thought, I looked into the first thing that popped into my head...stop motion.
I've always liked this method of creating moving image, even though I've never even attempted to create it myself. It's clever and creative, and I decided that I wanted to test myself and give it a go.
Currently, I am still in the stages of researching it. I've found some incredible videos, and one that I really liked was the exact sort of thing I wanted to make!
I like lyric videos, and even though this one is simple, I like the way the lyrics and images are quite cartoony (?) and that is EXACTLY what I want to make.
So.....I am going to download myself Avid, whip out my old Olympus Pen and give it some practice. I think it's one of those things you need to keep at until you learn, and I'm suspecting that it will take a lot of patience. Something I often lack.
If anyone would like to give me some advice on this, it would be much appreciated :)

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