Saturday, 5 October 2013


In my first Creative Media lecture we were told what we were to do this year...
"Create anything"
Why is it when you have all the options in the world, your mind goes completely blank?! After some thought, I looked into the first thing that popped into my head...stop motion.
I've always liked this method of creating moving image, even though I've never even attempted to create it myself. It's clever and creative, and I decided that I wanted to test myself and give it a go.
Currently, I am still in the stages of researching it. I've found some incredible videos, and one that I really liked was the exact sort of thing I wanted to make!
I like lyric videos, and even though this one is simple, I like the way the lyrics and images are quite cartoony (?) and that is EXACTLY what I want to make.
So.....I am going to download myself Avid, whip out my old Olympus Pen and give it some practice. I think it's one of those things you need to keep at until you learn, and I'm suspecting that it will take a lot of patience. Something I often lack.
If anyone would like to give me some advice on this, it would be much appreciated :)

Sunday, 1 September 2013


Summer is nearly over for me, and in less than two weeks I will be returning back to Leeds to finish my third and final year of my degree! That thought is terrifying and exciting in equal measures.
My summer holidays have been spent the most boring way; working and watching crap TV. I can announce I have managed to watch almost the entire show reel of Airline (I'm up to series 7 at the moment) and I've read 4 out of 7 Harry Potter Books. Not to mention, I have watched about 57,980 films.
I did, however, get to buy lots of new things for my house and for uni. Rugs, cushions, candles and of course

Going back to Leeds means actually having a social life, because being a student is so much easier than working. And I also get to see my house mates, who I do tend to miss when I am away from them for too a couple of pets ;D

The year is going to bring so much hard work and dedication to finally finish my degree with a mark I am proud of, and I am going to give this year 110% so I can graduate and find my dream job. Obviously, all this working will fund my traveling plans for a few years time! I'm also hoping to go on holiday during this year, possibly before my final exams, and it will be so great to get away and sit in the sun before the real stress begins.



Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Little Leeds Holiday

I am currently on the train from Leeds to London as me and the lovely uni girls decided to meet up in Leeds (in our cute new flat) for a couple of days.
Being there made me realise how much I had missed being with them and living in Leeds. Now I cannot WAIT to come back and complete my final year of university.

However, it's now starting to hit me that I have no idea what I am going to do with the rest of my life once university is finished. I really want to stay in fact there is no part of me that desires to move back home when I'm done.

So I am going to spend the next year of my life trying to figure out a way to stay away from home once my degree is over. I'll let you know how that goes....

I really hate trains :(


Monday, 25 March 2013


It's so nearly Easter, and I am still at uni. For some very bizarre reason, my university has decided that it would break up for the holidays THE DAY BEFORE GOOD FRIDAY!!
What is that about?!
But I do get to go home on Thursday, which I am very excited about. What is most exciting is that my two lovely lovely housemates from Leeds are coming to stay for a couple days at my place in London.
The plan is that we will spend the few days going to all the classic places in London like Oxford Circus, Covent Garden and Camden.
London is probably my favourite city. Moving away from it made me realise just how awesome it really is. As much as I do love living in Leeds, I'm sure that after I've finished my degree and do all the travelling I can afford I will move back to London and start a career there. It's just one of those places that seems to be slightly ahead in trends than everywhere else in the country, and after spending all my life there, you really notice that when you  move away.

The rest of my Easter holidays will hopefully be filled with friends and family, many roast dinners and SOUTHERN curries (they are far far better than anything I have tasted here....for example, the egg in the chicken tikka massala incident...) I also have some work to do that, hopefully, I will find the willpower to complete.

I've also acquired a new camera (Olympus Pen) that I'm trying very hard to use. I'm not really into taking pictures, but with such a beautiful camera it's almost criminal not to use it. I'm hoping the weather will be STUNNING over Easter and I can get some pretty snaps of Laura and Liz in London :D You can be sure i will post them on here if I remember to take any!

Sunday, 17 February 2013


This is, quite literally, my face! (and Laura's once...)

This is possibly the most productive thing I did during the last week and a half of my placement. I decided to take a picture of my face everyday, and upload it to instagram.
It was mainly supposed to cure my terrible boredom for a couple of minutes, but looking through the pictures its made me realise...I don't actually spend a lot of time looking at my face!

Anyone who knows me knows that I will never smile in a picture. And although I'm not smiling in any of the ones above, they clearly show my face. And it's weird....seeing my face....
I kept looking at them thinking "That's me. That's what I look like!" Odd!

I'm not going to start smiling now, that will never happen. But it's been interesting to see how I make my face look so peculiar!! And you know what, I like it!!


Wednesday, 6 February 2013


....Blogging. Shush! No one is in, so I'm trying to do things to fill my time until someone gets to the office and I have to do some actual work.

I am a terrible employee.

I miss lectures, I miss people on my course. I miss waking up at 11 :(
University is so much better when you're actually going to lectures. On the plus side, I am going home for a bit in a few days, cannot wait to see my dog <3

This was a completely pointless blog post.........

TTFN!! xo

Wednesday, 23 January 2013



Okay, I know that's a little bit late, but I have been sooooo busy with working that I just have not had the time to blog at all!
So first things first..
Christmas is over :( I am so depressed that it's finished for another year. The Christmas period is my favourite time of year because I get to spend loads of time at home with my family and friends, plus I get to eat looooads of chocolate because there is always so much around the house!
Secondly, work placement has begun!! I was originally planning to spend my 6 weeks university placement at home working for The Metro newspaper, however that plan fell through last minute, and I ended up moving back to Leeds to spend the placement here. What I'm doing now pretty much involves filling and spamming people on twitter and linked in, which is definitely NOT what I want to do as a career, but I didn't have much choice, and I suppose it will do ....
for now!!!
I still want to travel the world and work with animals, but I suppose that will all have to come later rather than sooner. Me and a friend from uni have, however, made rough "slightly-joking" plans to spend 2 years after our degrees working and saving and then travelling for a year after that. She may not be taking this plan as seriously as I am, but I WILL make it happen!
And finally, I have dyed my hair once more. I decided I was sick of the ombre and have gone all over brown FOR NOW! Today I've decided I want it to be dark purple, so I'm gonna get on that tomorrow hopefully! Pictures soon ;)