Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Today, this is what I did. I had a day off from Uni, and usually I spend these days off with my housemates (who also have the day off) BUT today, everyone was busy..

I know, I am a depressing child

So I decided to stroll the looooong journey to the shop and buy some baking ingredients. AND HERE IS THE RESULT!
By the way, they taste blooming amazing!
Needless to say my housemates love me today. And the whole house smells like brownies :D

Saturday, 20 October 2012


On the plus side, I did manage to decorate parts of my room today that were looking a little dull. I feel so much better when my uni room has got loads of homely bits and bobs in it, as it makes me feel a little less home sick. I also went to Ikea recently and bought a gazillion (!!!) candles, so my room always smells amazing. Did you know they do a candle that smells exactly like chocolate fudge cake?! HOW COOL!?

I went a bit over board with the photos this year, and I also have loads in frames on another wall. But I like them. They're a bit too straight and kinda formal looking at the moment but I didn't know what else to do with them.

I also have a bit of a thing for travel cards (so I may or may not have developed this idea from charlieissocoollike) BUT I think they make it look a bit cooler in my room when the walls are dull and cream (they also have this hideous wood-chip style wall paper which should not be allowed in the 21st century) STUDENT HOUSES ARE NOT THAT GREAT!!


It's a Saturday, and as a student, people assume I should be going wild, getting drunk and having loads and loads of fun.
I have spent the day tidying my bedroom. Not even joking, all day. I even organised my wardrobe. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT?! 
University is supposed to be the time in your life when you can get away with doing what ever you want, and (hopefully) not get judged for it. But I often find myself spending my free time sat on my bed/sofa, laptop in front of me with Facebook and Twitter open, or watching absolute nonsense on T.V. Since I moved into my new house I have started watching three different sitcoms that I never watched before. All because I'm bored.
And I know you're probably thinking "why don't you just go out then?!" and I'll tell you why..
BECAUSE I'M LAZY!! I am so lazy it's unreal. I just about have the energy to moan about it being boring in my house, so to have the actual energy to go out and do something about it is a quality I currently do not posses. I haven't even had a shower yet today....I am a terrible excuse for a human being :(