Tuesday, 4 December 2012


So for Christmas this year I really struggled to think of a "main" present from my parents. Every year, me and my older sister will normally receive one big present from our parents and then a couple of smaller 'stocking filler' type gifts.
However, this year I just couldn't think of anything, so sent my mum a little list of a couple of bits I've been lusting over recently. 
The orange hoodie from American Apparel is something I've wanted for ages. I wear hoodies all the time because they're just super cosy and I like putting them under leather or denim jackets. I also like the bright orange colour because it's different, and although I have searched EVERYWHERE for one similar I haven't been able to find one.
The Boy London eagle vest is also something I've thought about buying for myself recently but haven't had the courage to spend £35 on a vest. Originally I really wanted the Boy London leggings, but I'm not sure I'd be able to pull them off without looking like a bit of a hipster!
I've also started to run out of perfume recently, so Christmas couldn't come soon enough! I love Marc Jacobs perfume, and one of my best friends always smells of it and it's so nice, especially Daisy!
Finally, I have added a pair of white Converse to the list.
I may or may not already own 7 pairs
However!!! I have not had a new pair of Converse in YEARS and my very favourite pale yellow pair developed a hole in last year, and I have not worn Converse since! I do own a pair of Vans, which I pretty much wear 24/7, but they are falling apart now, and a new pair of White High-Tops would be much appreciated!
Hope you read this, Mum and Dad ;D 

Sunday, 2 December 2012


I have one thing, and one thing only to say......


As you may or may not be able to tell, I am extremely excited! Although, I don't have an advent calender at my uni home and I'm quite upset :(
Christmas is so cool. I love going home, snuggling up in my warm home and spending time with my family. I also LOVE Christmas dinner. It's the only time of year you can get away with eating EVERYTHING YOU POSSIBLY CAN

I say that, but I do that pretty much every day of the year (pig)

I'm really proud of myself this year, as it's the 2nd of December and I've already bought and wrapped all of my Christmas presents. I'm never normally this organised, but this year, I am!! P.R.O.U.D
I decided to do Christmas as cheap as possible this year as I'm really starting to feel the pinch of being a student. Primark was BRILLIANT for little bit and bobs, and they're wrapping paper is pretty and super cheap (I hate spending money on wrapping paper - it only gets ripped up anyway!)

Obviously, I still have to get all my work done before I can go home and decorate the house, but it's less than two weeks away until I am back in Essex and I CAN NOT WAIT!
First though...I'm going house hunting tomorrow. EXCITED!!
Me and two of my girls are finding a little 3 bed house or flat that we can make super girly and cute
I am so excited to see all the little places around here, and kind of imagine my house to look like this:

But I really doubt that it will. I'll try my best!!

Monday, 19 November 2012


I am currently sat in the library of my University. I came here with the good intention of finishing my essay.
I am doing no work what-so-ever. It's too hard!! I even brought my laptop with me thinking it would encourage me to stay here longer. Oh no. What it has encouraged me to do, however, is search the Asos sale, tweet endless, pointless things, and browse Facebook.
My essay is due in next Monday. It's 1500 words short. That is hideous. When I came into second year from my summer away, I was excited to get back into the swing of university life, doing work, and learning. First year gave me such a confidence boost. I left with a 2:1 and realised that, if I really put my mind to it, I could possible finish my degree with a 1st.
What they fail to tell you, is that second year is 1 GAZILLON times harder than the first!! Especially for a media student, who, like myself, is not used to doing as much theoretical media.
I suppose I'm not helping myself by spending my time writing this when I really should be cracking on to those 1500 words.
Back to work I go......

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Today, this is what I did. I had a day off from Uni, and usually I spend these days off with my housemates (who also have the day off) BUT today, everyone was busy..

I know, I am a depressing child

So I decided to stroll the looooong journey to the shop and buy some baking ingredients. AND HERE IS THE RESULT!
By the way, they taste blooming amazing!
Needless to say my housemates love me today. And the whole house smells like brownies :D

Saturday, 20 October 2012


On the plus side, I did manage to decorate parts of my room today that were looking a little dull. I feel so much better when my uni room has got loads of homely bits and bobs in it, as it makes me feel a little less home sick. I also went to Ikea recently and bought a gazillion (!!!) candles, so my room always smells amazing. Did you know they do a candle that smells exactly like chocolate fudge cake?! HOW COOL!?

I went a bit over board with the photos this year, and I also have loads in frames on another wall. But I like them. They're a bit too straight and kinda formal looking at the moment but I didn't know what else to do with them.

I also have a bit of a thing for travel cards (so I may or may not have developed this idea from charlieissocoollike) BUT I think they make it look a bit cooler in my room when the walls are dull and cream (they also have this hideous wood-chip style wall paper which should not be allowed in the 21st century) STUDENT HOUSES ARE NOT THAT GREAT!!


It's a Saturday, and as a student, people assume I should be going wild, getting drunk and having loads and loads of fun.
I have spent the day tidying my bedroom. Not even joking, all day. I even organised my wardrobe. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT?! 
University is supposed to be the time in your life when you can get away with doing what ever you want, and (hopefully) not get judged for it. But I often find myself spending my free time sat on my bed/sofa, laptop in front of me with Facebook and Twitter open, or watching absolute nonsense on T.V. Since I moved into my new house I have started watching three different sitcoms that I never watched before. All because I'm bored.
And I know you're probably thinking "why don't you just go out then?!" and I'll tell you why..
BECAUSE I'M LAZY!! I am so lazy it's unreal. I just about have the energy to moan about it being boring in my house, so to have the actual energy to go out and do something about it is a quality I currently do not posses. I haven't even had a shower yet today....I am a terrible excuse for a human being :(

Sunday, 16 September 2012


So I'm new to this, but I thought a fun way to pass the time might be to 'blog' a little bit. I haven't entirely decided what I want to talk about yet, but when I do, you can guarantee it's going to be AMAZING (probably not)
Currently, I am a second year student studying English in Leeds. I'm 20 and live in a house with a few friends from university. It's terrifying. We've already checked for - ghosts - rats - evil people trying to break in. I've only been here one night, and our neighbours have already treated to me to a full 2 hours of their Tu-Pac renditions. Until 3 in the morning. LOVING student life......